This is because there usually are new console bundles, new versions of current consoles, and sometimes announcements of price cuts. It’s good to save yourself the money, and it’ll be good for your own peace of mind. Yes, this may be common sense for some of our readers, but there are likely new gamers out there who do not know any of this information at all. This is here to help out newer gamers as it is officially the summer season here in the United States, and some teenagers who have the summer off may want things to do inside the house to stay entertained.

It is a very, very bad time to buy yourself that new Xbox One, PlayStation 4, or even Nintendo 3DS. If you buy one now you will be very sorry you did, so it is best to hold off on it for two more weeks or wait until the holiday season. This is usually when these bundles come out, but price cuts usually happen right away. The new versions of consoles that have come out are usually more powerful, sometimes smaller, or even just generally a better deal all around.