Warning: Book Spoilers Ahead 


His Dark Materials is almost halfway through its first season, with a second season already on the way, and book fans are loving this latest adaptation of the Phillip Pullman trilogy of the same name. So far, it’s made some major changes from the books, though - and definitely given away a few spoilers early! It seems that this adaptation of the series isn’t afraid to make some major changes… and that’s not a bad thing.

While there are some things that fans can’t wait to see on the small screen, there are plenty of others that fans could, quite honestly, do without. These are some of the major elements that absolutely have to be adapted… and some that can stay on the page.

Want: Iorek Byrnison

This is almost a cheat, because Iorek, the armored bear, is confirmed to be on the show. He’s in the trailers, and given that the title of the fourth episode is ‘Armour’, it’s pretty much a given that Iorek is going to be making his entrance there. However, it’s not just seeing the bear in all his glory that fans want. Iorek’s battle and his ability to outwit Iofur, his relationship with Lyra, his days as the ruler of the Bears… these are all elements that fans can’t wait to see.

Don’t Want: Tony’s Death

In the books, Tony Makarios is a young boy who is used to show the reader what the Gobblers are up to. He is seen being trapped by Mrs. Coulter, led away to the North, and then Lyra finds him… without his daemon. He dies almost immediately after being found, and this discovery is a huge help to the Gyptians, who then know what they have to face. However, in the series, it seems that Tony’s character has been combined with that of Billy Costa - and it would be heartbreaking to see the Gyptians get so far North, just to find Billy as he dies.

Want: Lee Scoresby’s Sacrifice

That said, we’re not opposed to heart-wrenching sacrifice in general. Lee Scoresby is also soon to appear, and while it’s hard to pick a favorite moment of his, his final stand in the gully has to make it in. Compared to some other series, most of the main characters manage to survive His Dark Materials (although they don’t live happily ever after, by any means), and losing Lee’s moment would be a serious loss to the show. It may be sad, but it is worthwhile - and losing it would cheapen his whole arc.

Don’t Want: Will’s Graphic Injury

Obviously, Will Parry has to find the Subtle Knife in Citagazze - this is a plot point so massive that it’s impossible to leave it out. His injury, and the long and difficult healing, is also important. However, His Dark Materials creates a dark tone extremely well without having to resort to blood and gore, and it should stay that way.

The scene in the books is surprisingly graphic, and this doesn’t need to make its way to the screen. It’s perfectly possible - and preferable - to show Will’s injury without having to get up close and bloody.

Want: Mrs. Coulter’s Torture Scene

Although it may seem strange to argue against a bloody scene, and then for a torture scene, the scene where Mrs. Coulter tortures a captive witch is a vitally important one. Not only is it where she (and the reader) learn the truth about the prophecy concerning Lyra, but it’s where the abilities of the witches is truly shown. Both of these things should make it to the show, not to mention more emphasis on just how evil Mrs. Coulter is. Of course, this also doesn’t need to be gory. Implied torture is somehow even more terrifying than making it explicit.

Don’t Want: The Witch’s Daemon Explaining Parallel Worlds

As much as fans are looking forward to seeing the witches, it’s totally unnecessary for one of the witch’s daemons to explain the concept of multiple worlds the way it happens in the books. At this point, Lyra has already seen a city in the sky, and the viewer is well aware of multiple worlds in this series. Having the witch-daemon explain it is just unnecessary, and would be filler, rather than useful exposition.

Want: The Mulefa

This should also be something of a given, as Mary’s journey to another world where she meets the Mulefa is a vitally important part of the books. However, it’s still something that fans are looking forward to - and would mean that the series continues long enough to reach the final book! It goes without saying, of course, that the Mulefa need to be extremely carefully rendered in CGI - but so far, it looks like His Dark Materials is capable of doing this well.

Don’t Want: Cliff-Ghasts

Just because HBO/BBC has the ability to use great CGI, it doesn’t mean that it should be wasted. In the original books, when Lyra goes to the Bears, the balloon is attacked by cliff-ghasts, a particularly nasty kind of creature that dwells in the far north. While they do have something of a purpose in the books, they aren’t necessary (storms can do what a cliff-ghast attack can, with ease), and would just be a major waste of CGI and budget. Instead of bothering with creating every fantasy creature, these can just be ignored.

Want: The Magisterium’s Alethiometer

Lyra’s discovery of how to read the Alethiometer is impressive - but seeing just how long it takes someone else to read theirs (even after years of study) would be amazing contrast. In addition, with the Magisterium being such a big presence from the start, it would be easy for the series to make more of the Alethiometer in general. The books don’t give much info about where it comes from or how it works, which would be great to see explored here.

Don’t Want: The Tabby Cat

Thankfully, it seems like a given that this will not be coming to the small screen. In the books, Will first finds another world by following a tabby cat into a patch of air. Later on, however, he and Lyra find the children of Citagazze torturing the cat, having cornered it and started throwing rocks at it. Even though Will and Lyra stop them, this would be a horrible scene to see - and a hugely unnecessary one. Now that Boreal has been established as passing between worlds frequently, hopefully, Will will use the same path - and no cats will come to (fictional) harm.